1G Profit System

Is 1G Profit System Scam

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Another review on its way. Today I will talk about 1G Profit System and is this a legit way to makes money or just another scam trying to get to your wallet? Let’s begin.

General Information

The 1G Profit System is an automated binary options trading system. Created by a guy named Adam Williams who claims he has designed a secret algorithm which will generate you a profit of $1000 per day, or even more. And you don’t have to do anything.

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Whenever I hear of a system that works on autopilot in binary options, it raises a red flag to me. And 1G Profit System is screaming with red flags!

Adam, in his short introduction video, said I received a private invitation from his friend who thinks very highly of me. Now, I don’t know any of his friends. I don’t even know who he is.

So, if Adam won’t say the name of his friend, why would I trust him? If his friend thinks so highly of me, why he didn’t send me a message telling me about it? Why came from Adam?

You see, what here is done is pure psychological crap. First trying to gain my trust by saying this is a private invitation from a friend, and that I am one of 12 people who were lucky enough and given the opportunity to make a huge profit.

But then, a warning, that if I don’t act now, right away, and if I try to leave this page, my link will expire, and I will never see this page again.

Oh really? Let’s test this. Below I took a picture of this warning, and after more than half an hour, I went on the same page, following the same link, and guess what happened? Correct, I was able to access that offer. AGAIN!

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First lie! Website is open to the public so anybody could access it. It is not restricted to invitation only. This is done like that so you feel a sense of urgency and take this offer and not have time to search for reviews.

Ok, we all did lie in our life, let’s see maybe Adam is fair and honest after all.

(Don’t put your hope in it too much).

How Does 1G Profit System Work

Adam claims that the system is completely automated with the only thing you need to do is switch on the auto trader, and you will see the money rolling. This sound to me as I would want to fill the glass with water, and simply put it under the pipe and let the water pour. If it only would be that simple. Unfortunately, it’s not.

Think about it. If it were that simple, every second person in the world would be rich. And where would that money come from? From where? In order that you win the money, someone HAVE TO LOSE IT. Simple as that. Profit is not generated from air, it is generated in someone’s loss.

Let’s turn to the binary option for a second. It is known to be extremely risky, and generally, most people avoid it. Binary options are not like traditional trading where you buy or sell shares.is 1g profit system scam_4

In binary options, you place a bet on whether the stock will go up or down. So you have 50/50 chance of winning or losing. You can look at it as gambling actually. In essence, it is just like flipping a coin for money.

What binary trading options wants you to think is that you are in control when it comes to winning or losing, but in reality, there is no guessing which way the price is going to go, since binary options trades are based on such a short period of time, usually around one minute or up to an hour.

Adam also claims his system is almost perfect, with the accuracy of 99,8%. This is as close it can get to predicting the future. Well predict this: you are not getting my money! Shame on you Adam for another lie!

Binary options trading system already have enough of a bad reputation as it is. I previously wrote about Tesler2 and Ethereum Code Bot.

How The 1G Profit System Really Works

Despite the fact you were trying to be convinced that 1G Profit System works almost flawlessly, the sad truth is, this system is no different than any of the other binary scams that came before it.

It works in only one direction: to benefit those that created such software. The moment you put your money in it, you lost it — no way of getting that money back. And the only ones that benefit from it is the scammers behind it.

Since the binary brokers aren’t winning any money as long as you are winning, it doesn’t make any sense someone would want to help you to lose his money. That is nonsense!

What actually is happening that creator of this system has affiliated himself with several binary options brokers, and when he refers new people to them to deposit money, he gets a commission in return.

Based on that, this system, like many others before it, is completely fake! At least for you. For those that made it, it generates money every time someone falls for such scam.

Who Is Adam Williams

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The guy that claims to be the creator of 1G Profit System is not Adam Williams. Or, maybe he is, I can’t be sure. But the picture he is using isn’t his. It is taken from a popular website, Shutter Stock.

As every scammer, he is hiding his true identity, he wants to stay anonymous so that he can continue to work undercover. Only people that are not honest hides that way.

Who is the creator of 1G Profit System? It certainly is not Adam Williams. Identity of the creator remains unknown. The site was registered anonymously through a private domain registration service.

To put it simply: it could be anybody. And with that in mind, I would never recommend going into any money transfer business with someone that doesn’t reveal who he is. Even worse, misleads you of their identity.

Oh, Adam, I feel I don’t even know you…

Some More Facts

In the video, you could see (if you watched and not close it. I couldn’t blame you if you did close it) how Adam found his account with $250 and put a trade with $25.

In the next 15 minutes, his balance goes up to $398. So he made $148 from $25. This is an enormous profit, and it is not possible in such a short period. It is almost impossible in a longer period of time.

As I explained before, such a profit can’t be achieved overnight. It takes years of investing and monitoring market. It sounds good, but that is only what is true here: it only sounds good.

And now for the stupidest mistake he made. He tried to convince you he actually makes money by showing his transactions. But, let’s look at them a bit closer, shall we?

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  1. He says he made six bets. How many can you count? I can count eight.
  2. PUT is an option to sell. Meaning someone bet the price will go down, while CALL is an option for price rise. All of his closing rates are HIGHER than entry rate, which means on PUT call he would LOSE money, not won it.
  3. 4th bet from above (PUT) has the same entry and closing rate. Yet, he shows he made a profit.
  4. Look at the dates on the right. Data was pulled from several days, not 30 minutes time period! Even hours don’t match.

The Verdict

I can’t stress enough how lame SCAM this is! All you heard from his video was a lie. This is no different than any other binary options scam that came before.

As soon as you would invest your money to them, that same moment you would get scammed. Unfortunately, it probably wouldn’t even stop there.

You would probably get a call on your phone number from a broker who would ask for more deposit in order to keep investing and possible return your lose. But that would be digging yourself an even deeper hole.

In the end, this is what it is, just another scam. I recommend you avoid it in a wide circle. The auto trader bot doesn’t have to work. 1G Profit System gets paid as soon as someone put money in it. Don’t fall for that!

If you want me to investigate something, write down in the comment below or send me an email at dalibor@scamdebunk.com and I will gladly do what I can.



2 thoughts on “Is 1G Profit System Scam”

  1. Great stuff Dalibor! Thanks for telling us the truth about 1G Profit System. These guys belong in jail as far as I’m concerned. They get you in with a bunch of false promises and then, they rip you off like an animal. The worst part is that people who get scammed never see their money again while on the other hand, scammers like Adam Williams walk away with a pocket full of cash.

    • Hey Ivan,
      Thanks for the time you took to read this article. I am glad I could help you.

      Yes, I agree, what they do deserves punishment and luckily, many countries and companies are working toward fighting such scams. It hurts when you see people get ripped off and the person that did gets away unpunished.

      And that is the main reason I try to point people to scams that are out there and help them avoid potential mistakes. Also, point people in the right direction where to look if they are interested in working online and actually making some money.

      What I found as the best option so far not just to make money online, but to build a sustainable business is the platform that I am also using. And millions of people are using it also, with success. It is called Wealthy Affiliate, and you can read my review about it here.

      I hope this will help you in the future, and if you need anything more, or need more informations, feel free to ask and I will give my best to help and answer.

      Best wishes,


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