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Make Money Online In Home – Is It Possible

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Today I will be talking about is it possible to make money from home by trading stock market, cryptocurrency or something third, and what kind of profit is NOT reasonable to expect. You will also learn to recognize a scam in that area when you see it immediately.

The reason why I am making this post is that so many people get scammed by promising easy money. I mean, just by typing into Google: make money online home – will bring you up with 2,8 billion results. Astonishing! This only shows that people want to make money online TODAY!

make money online home

Most Important Thing

Why is it important to know this? If you are interested in making money online, one thing you need to know: THERE IS NO EASY MONEY! If you want easy money, you will most likely have to do illegal things, but then you will face the consequences, sooner or later.

If you are asking yourself: Can I make money without working? No! No, you can’t make money without working! It is not possible. And all of those scammers that are trying to convince you otherwise will promise you exactly that. Don’t believe them!

If you fall for their scam, you will only be losing money, and they are those that will get it, almost for free. Isn’t that sad? You want to make money, and someone else makes money on you. It makes me sad just by thinking it is happening to someone.

Fundamental lie that any scammer will promise you is to get rich very fast in a very short time. So let’s try to analyze this theory.

Can You Make $1000 Per Day?

To keep it short, any profit that is more than double of what you invest in 99,99% is a scam. Why am I saying that? Based on what?

Well, let’s begin with this 0,01%. Theoretically, it is possible. But only theoretically, and once I explain it, you will see why.

For you to gain double of your investment, a product to which you invest should have a jump in value more than a double. Example, if you buy one stock of X company for $200, the price has to jump to $400 if you want to profit for $200. And just in one day!

Now, markets don’t work in that way. More likely such leaps would be in downfall (bearish), not on up (bullish). Therefore, you would lose money more likely than winning it. Let’s take a look at one example.


We can see here that the price of BTC in the last 24-hour high was $4031 and 24-hour low price $3911. So in 24 hours this way you would gain $120 IF you would invest $3911 in the market. But since most scams claims they work with much less, let us take $250 as a value.

For $250 you would be able to buy 6,39% of BTC, and that would make you profit of whooping $7,67! We are a bit behind of promised value for a double income, correct?

OK, let us assume we make EACH HOUR that profit. As you can see it is not possible, because the price isn’t just going up. But we do believe in a fairy tale of scam promises, so let’s roll with it here.

$7,67 x 24 = $184,08

Still not getting that promised profit. And we did live in a perfect world for a moment, where prices go up ALL the time. I know I am sarcastic, but you got to understand how unreal it sounds when someone promises you that amount of profit!

Besides, trading and investing is not math, it is predicting the future. You are predicting will the price go up or down. Simple as that, and complicated as that.

There is no way to tell for 100% certainty price WILL go up or down. There are some methods where you could predict it SHOULD go up or down, but again, that is just predicting, can’t be 100% accurate.

When Will You Be Able To Make $250

Let me repeat what I have already said: When leap is so high, it reaches double the price. Because you are investing $250, you can only hope to make $250 profit if the price reaches from $250 to $500 and you withdraw at that moment.

And when will you be able to make $1000 or more that way? When you invest as much and hope for a miracle! I am sorry if I broke your dream bubble, but it better be me this way than you realize the hard way by losing your money.

Trading and investing require skills. Those skills can be learned, but it can’t be done overnight. Why do you think people went to college, get their diploma, work and learn for many years? If it were as easy as scammers say it is, all those people would be idiots.

Why would they bust their ass to get something that they could get for free and turned on to autopilot? There is no such thing. Don’t let scammers fool you!

What You Need To Know

You can’t make money without work, and there is no easy money online for free. However, if you are willing to put time and your effort, there is a way. I know a lot of people who did it, and you can be one of them. But, you need to devote your time to it. You too can have your very own business online that will generate you steady but reliable income over time.

If you are interested in knowing how I did it and how many more are doing it, please, read my FREE STEP-BY-STEP EARN MONEY ONLINE GUIDE.

There you will find everything you need for success and start of your journey to financial freedom. I really do hope you will take my advice and at least go and have a look. Besides, what do you have to lose? I am not going to ask you for your money. I am giving this to you for free.

Remember, I am not promising you will get rich fast. But I know you will make a steady income if you are willing to follow the training and devote your time to it.

If you have any question, please, feel free to message me directly at, and I will get back to you as soon as I can.

Best wishes,


5 thoughts on “Make Money Online In Home – Is It Possible”

  1. Hello Dalibor

    I like your post. I never believed in quick enrichment. I never fool myself, And so because I went to college, in old age I did a master and I worked hard all my life. For 5 years I’ve been looking to make money working from home. I’ve come across many scammers. But I did not spend.

    Finally, this year I came across Wealthy Affiliate. It’s perfect for me. I’m now retired and I want to improve my income. WA has not promised much money overnight. Just training and community help. The rest is up to you. I’m still overwhelmed but I’ve learned enormously. Please excuse me, but I do not speak English and use a translator.
    best regards

    • Hello Carmen,
      Thank you for your honest reply and opinion. I really appreciate it.

      I am so happy you found Wealthy Affiliate and you saw for yourself how truly good it is. And, yes, you are correct. They don’t promise to get rich overnight or that you will make money by a simple push on the button. But they do provide you with training and great support from which you can learn and develop your knowledge and build your business.

      Looking forward to seeing you more in Wealthy Affiliate.


    • Hey Darren,
      Thank you for your message!

      I am glad you dodge the bullet. Which negative experience you had? I know there is lot of scams offers out there. Sometimes it is not easy to separate what is true and what isn’t.

      I know I had the same problem and I was happy when I found Wealthy Affiliate platform. I would warmly recommend you to give it a look and tell me what you think.


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