Ethereum Code

Is Ethereum Code Bot Scam?

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Today I will give you my most honest review for Ethereum Code Bot. Let’s see if this software is legit or is Ethereum Code Bot just one another attempt of scam.


Ethereum Code Bot Overview And Ranking

  • Name: Ethereum Code Botis-ethereum-code-bot-scam-2
  • Owner: Mark Weston
  • Website URL:
  • Created: 2017/2019
  • Price: Free
  • Overall rating: 0/10


Little History About Ethereum Code Bot


Ethereum Code Bot was created in 2019. They claim they already have many satisfied users. Can they really have MANY satisfied users? In just 3 months?

Doing research about them, I found out that they were on the market before. From 2017 exactly. WHOIS shows that the date of creation was on October 1st, 2017. Some of their domains from before was:


The question that comes to me is: “Why would anybody change domain name and foundation year if they were legit and successful?”


What Is Ethereum Code Bot

Ethereum Code Bot should be an auto trading platform that allows you to trade cryptocurrency called Ethereum. They claim most of their users earn several thousands of dollars every day.

Is it reasonable to expect to earn several thousands of dollars every day? Let us do some math. I promise I won’t make it boring 😉


According to, on the day March 22nd 2019., chart shows the change of price in 24 hours for $3.09 (138.04 – 134.95). For the sake of math, let’s assume the lowest is $135 and the highest at $138.

Now, in order to EARN just $1000 of profit, you would have to buy roughly 333 Ethereum for the price of $138. That means you would have to invest $45,954.00 to gain a profit of $1000.

Yes, you read it correct! You would have to INVEST capital of 46 THOUSAND dollars in order to get ONLY 1000. Hello? Are you freaking kidding me? And that assumes Ethereum is going up. And what happens if Ethereum goes down? Bye-bye, your money. You may well go hang yourself with a rope. Oh, but you are broke and can’t even afford a rope to buy…

Mark Weston

Mark Weston is CEO of Ethereum Code Bot. Or at least he should be. I tried to find any piece of information about this man, but I failed. I wasn’t able to find any picture or article about him, not to mention anything about his success story.

If I would be as successful, I would want people to know about me. And most certainly someone would write about me or my accomplishment, and it would be somewhere on the internet. Right?



Ethereum Code Bot is giving proofs of other people trading and earning money as you read it. So let’s see what I found here.


I tried and opened several windows at the same time. Try comparing names and time and see if they match. They don’t. Now, why would they give different information every time?

And what about those people who gave statements? Something interesting there as well.


Does the person Anna Sheppard from Ethereum Code Bot look familiar? Why does she have 3 different names? I can think only of one reason. What about you?

What about their Facebook page and Facebook comments? Let’s peak in it also, shall we?



Same people, different language, different names. Nothing more than dummy accounts, used only for marketing purpose and scams.

Actually, if you try to search for those people on Facebook, you won’t find them. Those are not real opinions, and don’t let fake Facebook comments fool you!


One thing that many (if not all) scammers have in common is that they claim their product is free, but then they ask you for payment or your financial information before you are actually able to use their product or system.

In this case, you get free access to their bot, but you have to credit your account with at least $250 in order to start using it. Which means you have to provide your card details.

They don’t tell you about that in the video. That raises a warning.

And what happens if you do (although I really don’t see any reason why you would) invest $250? Now that bot goes on autopilot and you see some trading and possible some profit, but then, you start to lose money.

Why? Because that program is not designed to help you gain profit. It is designed to take your money. And there is nothing you can do about it because if you look at the bottom of their page, they have a disclaimer.


Why this isn’t somewhere where people could see it, for example, right below the video? My guess is that would turn potential victims off.

Conclusion And My Final Verdict

Ethereum Code Bot is a scam. Not only it won’t generate you income they say it will, it won’t generate you ANY income. But one thing it will do if you let him: it will take your money!

Furthermore, fake testimonials can’t be a good thing. Any company that is using fake comments to boost their rating is a very clear sign they are trying to deceive you!

Not stating exactly cost of their software is also a clear sign they are trying to lure you into their net. Don’t be fool and fall for that trap.

Cryptocurrency trading is still very popular and scammers see that as the potential lake to go fishing at. The only advice I can give you on that topic is to avoid any program that promises you will get rich overnight or in a very short period of time. To be honest with you, generating an online income requires hard work and persistence, among many other things.

If you are determined to make money online, let me introduce you to the platform that I love to use. It is free to use (yes, no credit card or money up front for starter members) and have great training videos that will guide you step by step toward making money online.

You can learn about it here.

If you have any questions about Ethereum Code Bot or would like to request a review, feel free to write a comment and I will be happy to reply to you!

Until the next time, I wish you all the best!


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