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Wxcnyll Review – Another Too Good To Be True Website?

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Hello dear reader, today I will give you my most honest review for Wxcnyll site. Firstly, let me congratulate you for taking the time and effort to do your research.

Now, let’s see what is Wxcnyll all about and should you trust them with your money.

Overview And Ranking

  • Name: Wxcnyll
  • The owner (Alleged): William Gregory, Monk Home Funding Services
  • Website URL: https://www.wxcnyll.com/
  • Created: November 2020
  • Recommendation: No

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What Is Wxcnyll

Wxcnyll is an e-commerce website that sells various products with big discounts. Stores can offer discounts to attract customers, and they can do it as long as they have profit, otherwise, it won’t sustain for long.

Wxcnyll deals

You may come across the Wxcnyll ad on Google or YouTube. However, just because the ad is on a legit website doesn’t mean that it actually is.

Wxcnyll sure does raise many red flags. That is the reason I am writing Wxcnyll review, to determine if the site is legit or too good to be true.


The Owner

As I stated already, the Wxcnyll website is registered under the name of William Gregory, Monk Home Funding Services. However, that seems to be fake.Wxcnyll location

The reason behind this is, in my humble opinion, that the real owner wants to hide his identity to avoid potential legal consequences. But that can’t be done as easily.

I have done some research, and it seems the real owner is the Chinese company Haoyue Fengyun technology Co., Ltd.

Why is hiding the owner’s information a problem? Well, Wxcnyll is asking for money from you. So if they are not transparent, why would anyone want to give hard-earned money to them?

Every year a million people fall into being a victim to online scams. A common point among all of the cases is the company’s transparency, missing the owner’s information.

Hiding online in this modern world is not a big problem, not even that hard. So if you want to save yourself and your money from scammers, be sure to check the background of the site.

Take this site, for example. Do I hide my identity or my intentions? No, I am transparent, and my background is clear. I have nothing to hide, unlike some scammers.

Great Deal

I haven’t come across an e-commerce site that didn’t have any problem with customers in terms of the shipment being delayed or even not arriving. Mistakes happen, especially in that niche.

That is also the reason why transparency is important: you want and need good customer support. With scam websites, when customers don’t receive their product or receive a different one, they start to search for a way to contact the support.

Usually, scammers will use various tricks to waste people’s time or make them believe it is not their fault that the product hasn’t arrived.

But red flags are often overlooked when the site is offering great deals. If the scammers were not offering it, people wouldn’t come to their website.

It is widely believed that great deals can be found on the internet, so people want to grab them before they are over. Scammers use that idea.

In fact, they will even add a little spice to it: limited time offer! With a timer thinking, there is little time to think or do research of the company.

So the victim bites the bate. It happened many times, and sadly it will happen again and again. It happens because of two reasons:

  1. It is not big money
  2. People want this deal to be true

Those are two main reasons people fall into the low price trap, which is why people fall for obvious scams of the get rich quick scheme.


Sometimes scammers will use the same or very similar content on more than one website. This is bad SEO practice since the search engines are looking at each website separately.

But scammers don’t care for the search results because their goal is short-term: get customers, scam them, take their money—end of the process.

Wxcnyll has the same content as some of the other e-commerce sites that are showing signs of fraud or are being already flagged as such.

same content proof one

Notice the very same wording in the first paragraph in both cases.same content proof two

Scammers do not have time to bother with SEO since they have limited time in creating more and more opportunities to scam others.


As an e-commerce website, they have the responsibility to share their information with customers. Transparency plays a key role in this situation.

Sadly, Wxcnyll doesn’t provide this transparency which, in return, does not build trust with potential customers. The owner’s information is hidden, represented as someone else.

Wxcnyll looks like a lot of other poorly designed scam sites, such as Smatam. Selling a lot of products at a very low price looks too good to be true, and remember, in most cases, if something looks too good to be true, it probably is.

One of the ways you can tell a website is a scam is by its huge discounts. Most of these websites don’t deliver their products to customers, or they deliver low-quality items.

Conclusion And My Final Verdict

If by now you had any doubt, my recommendation is to keep your distance and stay away from Wxcnyll site. Nobody should get scammed by tricks that scammers lay for the people.

That is why I am writing this and other reviews that warn people on potential scam offers and hopefully avoid them, resulting in keeping your money safe.

If you are determined to make money online, let me introduce you to a platform that I love to use. It is free to use (yes, no credit card or money upfront for starter members) and has great training videos that will guide you step by step toward making money online.

You can learn about it here.


If you have any questions about Wxcnyll or you would like to request a review, feel free to write a comment, and I will be happy to reply to you!

Until the next time, I wish you all the best!


4 thoughts on “Wxcnyll Review – Another Too Good To Be True Website?”

  1. Hey,

    This is such an informative review and after reading it I will definitely keep my distance. I can’t even pronounce the site Wxcnyll, how do you pronounce it?

    Anyway, if I come across this online then I will avoid it like the plague and I will share your review with other fellow marketers to stay away from it too.

    Thank you for sharing and keep up the great work.

    All the best,


    • Hello Tom,
      Thanks for stopping by and comment my review, I appreciate it.

      To be honest, I don’t even bother much about pronouncing it, it won’t even stick around long enough.

      Yes please, be sure to share my review, it would mean a lot to me! And if would help someone that would be already well spent my time writing this review.

      Once again, thank you for your comment.

      Best wishes,

    • I’m sorry it has happened to you. It never feels easy or nice when you got cheated, and sadly, there are a lot of cheaters and scammers in this world.


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